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It is a top down approach where all the moving parts affect one another.
From Investment Planning to Risk Management, they are all part of managing client’s wealth.

Investment Planning

Our core belief is academic-based research and the efficiency of the markets focusing on the things we control like risk, tax efficiency and cost.  Each client’s situation will determine if additional complementary strategies will be implemented. 

Tax Planning

We help our business owner clients with strategies that can greatly reduce taxes while encouraging savings.   We help our investment clients by properly re-balancing accounts to maximize gains and minimize losses, a concept known as tax loss harvesting.

Insurance & Estate Planning

The goal is to minimize unnecessary taxes through the proper estate plan with our legal partners and also having the proper risk management strategies to avoid catastrophic risks in case of disabilities, medical conditions or untimely deaths. 

Education Planning

Exploring the most appropriate alternatives for our clients.  

Financial Planning

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